Choosing the Right Labels for Cold Temperature Application

If you've ever purchased anything from Etiquette Systems, you might have noticed that we ask quite a few questions about what you intend to use the product for as we take your order. This is especially true for freezer labels. We're not just being nosy; the reason we ask is that we want the products we make for you to "stick around" as long as possible, meeting your needs for the long term and providing the maximum quality possible. This is especially true for our freezer labels. You can't just slap any label on a package and toss it in the freezer. Not only are the label stock, descriptive and legal material, and logo important, the adhesive is especially so. After all, some adhesives lose their tack (stickiness) once the temperature falls below a certain point, and just slide right off the package. This leads to confusion, which can be bad enough when you're trying to tell beef from pork, and catastrophic when you can no longer distinguish between bi...